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By wearing the lenses overnight and taking them off in the morning, you can enjoy an excellent vision throught the next day without using optical aids.

The scope is to temporarily reduce or eliminate the refractive defect and improve natural visual acuity without surgery, using non-invasive contact techniques. Myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism but also presbyopia are reduced and visual acuity without contact lenses or glasses becomes perfect again.

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Orthokeratology is a branch of contactology that consists in the elimination, reduction or variation of a visual defect through the application of special contact lenses.

This revolutionary corrective system uses special rigid gas permeable contact lenses that shape the corneal surface to improve vision from the first day of use.

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The reduction of myopia and astigmatism performed with ortokertological techniques is not a “cure” of ametropia but is a temporary optical correction. For many myopic and astigmatic patiens, in fact, nocturnal orthokeratology can be a real alternative to the daily use of sot, gas-permeable contact lenses.
The Ortho-K treatment, at the present time, can safely correct myopia up to 5-6 diopters, associated with astigmatism according to the rule up to 1.5 diopters or 0.75 diopters against the rules.

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There are also more and more studies that prove the efficacy of orthokeratological treatment for myopic control in children and adolescents. In these works, the researchers found a significant slowing of myopic progression in young subjects using contact lenses for orthokeratology. There is often talk of not correcting or under-correcting worsening myopic young people but recent studies have confirmed that not correcting young myopia adequately leads to an increase in myopia.

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Orthokeratology requires significant financial investments, application experience and a long and in-depth specific preparation compared to the knowledge required for the application of traditional contact lenses.

At Stecca Optometry the skilled staff is qualified to implement the scientific procedures and standards accepted and tested by the international scientific world. The pre-application tests that are performed in our studies allow us to identify the best customized solution after excluding any contraindications to the use of lenses. As with any contact lens application, the patient is instructed in the correct handling and careful maintenance to be performed for the care and hygiene of their contact lenses. The application process involves a series of careful periodic checks to monitor the effectiveness of the orthokeratological technique and the satisfaction of the ametrope.

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Orthokeratology requires significant financial investments, application experience and a long and in-depth specific preparation compared to the knowledge required for the application of traditional contact lenses.

At Stecca Optometry the skilled staff is qualified to implement the scientific procedures and standards accepted and tested by the international scientific world. The pre-application tests that are performed in our studies allow us to identify the best customized solution after excluding any contraindications to the use of lenses. As with any contact lens application, the patient is instructed in the correct handling and careful maintenance to be performed for the care and hygiene of their contact lenses. The application process involves a series of careful periodic checks to monitor the effectiveness of the orthokeratological technique and the satisfaction of the ametrope.

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Data from 145 studies involving a total of 2.1 million participants were considered. The estimates obtained for the year 2000 indicated 1,406 million people with myopia (22.9% of the world population) and 163 million people with severe myopia (2.7% of the world population). For 2050 the trend is in constant and significant growth with forecasts of a number of people affected by myopia equal to 4,758 million (49.8% of the future world population) and 938 million people severe myopia (9.8% of the future world population).
The prevalence of the disease in Central Europe reflects a rather serious situation: it goes from 20.5% in 2000 to 54.1% in 2050.

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Data from 145 studies involving a total of 2.1 million participants were considered. The estimates obtained for the year 2000 indicated 1,406 million people with myopia (22.9% of the world population) and 163 million people with severe myopia (2.7% of the world population). For 2050 the trend is in constant and significant growth with forecasts of a number of people affected by myopia equal to 4,758 million (49.8% of the future world population) and 938 million people severe myopia (9.8% of the future world population).
The prevalence of the disease in Central Europe reflects a rather serious situation: it goes from 20.5% in 2000 to 54.1% in 2050.

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